Sharon Hagle (left) next to sample postcards with space-related drawings
News | Mar 27, 2022

SpaceKids Global Founder Sharon Hagle’s Mission to Inspire the Next Generation

As the founder and CEO of SpaceKids Global(opens in a new tab), Sharon Hagle fuels children’s imaginations to dream that one day they could be space explorers. This week, Sharon will become an astronaut as part of Blue Origin’s NS-20 crew.

Sharon spends her time sharing her passion for space and showing kids that anything is possible with determination and hard work. She visits with elementary students in their classrooms, introducing them to concepts like microgravity and the future of space travel.

SpaceKids Global inspires young people to dream of a future in space by encouraging them to pursue STEAM+ education. This year, they established a national essay competition that prompts students in grades 8-12 to share why they want to go to space. The winner is awarded a ZERO-G flight experience at the location of their choice.

“It’s important for kids to dream the impossible, which is what we are asking them to put into writing for our national essay competition. Because we have been fortunate enough to take this flight on New Shepard, we have a responsibility to ensure the visibility has one critical result: kids get excited about space. Our mission is to bring the possibilities of space to kids everywhere,” said Sharon Hagle, founder and CEO of SpaceKids Global.

With inspiration at the heart of the SpaceKids Global mission, they also recently teamed up with Club for the Future to help Florida achieve its goal of sending one million postcards to space. Children write or illustrate their ideas, hopes, and dreams on a special postcard, which is then flown to space on a Blue Origin New Shepard flight before being returned stamped “Flown in Space.”

Tune in to the live webcast of NS-20 on Tuesday, March 29, at 8:20 a.m. CDT / 13:20 UTC on

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